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European Heritage Label

Since 2013, Kamp Westerbork carries the European Heritage Label. This is an initiative of the European Union. It highlights locations that have played a key role in Europe and the creation of the European Union.

The European Heritage Label gives a picture of Europe's shared history and aims to contribute to bridging the gap between the European Union and its citizens. Sites awarded the European Heritage Label are 'places of remembrance' that raise young people's awareness through their educational activities.

European context
The European Heritage Label is a tool to make the European historical and symbolic value of heritage sites (buildings and sites) visible. Eligible sites are not only of interest in their own country, but also in a European context and attractive to a broad European public. The label should enhance mutual understanding between European citizens and give them a better understanding of today's Europe and its common cultural heritage.

The Ministry of Education, Culture and Science nominates Dutch candidates for the European Heritage Label.

  • European Heritage Label
  • Unesco

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